Monday 28 July 2014

Unique Gift Ideas for Scorpio Women

If you are looking for a gift to buy for me, I mean, your Scorpio friend then you should probably know that although she can be obsessive and has a long memory, she is also highly trustworthy. She will fight in your corner with passion and take up a cause with single-minded devotion. Look for gifts from the warm side of the color spectrum.

Halloween BirthdayHalloween Birthday

My birthday falls very close, in fact almost on, Halloween. Like those whose birthdays are close to other major holidays such as Christmas, it is easy to feel a little overshadowed by the somewhat bigger celebration. But why not take advantage of the party...

Birthstones for Scorpio Women

The birthstones for Scorpio naturally draw from the warm shades of the colour wheel and include fire agate, obsidian and ruby stone. The birthstone for November is topaz. Here are some beautiful gifts for your Scorpio lady friend.

Browse more Scorpio Jewelry Gifts here!

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